Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Our new 1 acre lot on Roatan Honduras

I am standing on the wooden platform in the picture below....this is the Caribbean ocean view from our lot. Our house will sit up another 15-20 feet and the bedrooms will be on the second the view will be awesome!

You can also see the ocean on the right.....I just did not take a picture of it evidently. sigh

The road ends at our new lot......lot 13. You can not tell by the picture but that is blue Caribbean ocean in the bottom 1 inch of the looks like gray sky, and it kinda is.......but we have a lovely view of the ocean.

We are just about 100 yards walk to the private 750 foot white sandy beach, pool and restaurant and bar.

This is the back side of our property, it has about a 20 degree slope from the road above towards the bottom of the lot....and more Cahoun Palms!

Looking to the right corner of the lot line

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